fuck i just woke up

also: i love the holidays

also also: finished up oblivion

sad that i can sum up my life in terms of games...

also my brain is out to get me. i lifted a lot yesterday and tried to keep my food intake down.... even locked my own doors inside the house. still sleepwalked into the kitchen for more. i need a therapist.

oh look http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_eating_syndrome



Distance: 3.00 mi
Time: 30:38
Avg Pace: 10:12 min/mi
Elevation Gain: 108 ft
Calories: 535 C

i stopped logging stuff on fitocracy when my weight gain started back. seemed pointless accumulating points and pounds both, so i picked one.




and today i felt great.

work lunch at a churrascaria.

down to play with kiddo.

and then an nba game with her in box seats.

the holidays are bad for my waistline though.



Cold and wet, the morning frost
Anoints another year of loss
The spinning top can turn time down
To stay in stasis all year round
A hibernation left in state
Belabored, pointed twist of fate
Wait for hope and hope for a sign
It's always and never a matter of time



"I can't understand that guy at all."
"He's from Kenya."
"Norbert in my class is from Kenya, but they moved here so they could learn things from America like how to talk normal."