ran three miles while kiddo practiced soccer. feeling like butt at the moment. it was pretty hot out there, i guess i shouldn't have pushed for another mile.... but i enjoyed avoiding the other parents. going to keep up the exercise shit until i die or get laid whichever comes first.



a counterpoint asserts itself with a left turn into mediocrity
brought over in totem, the sum total of a revoked will
wrought and wringed in the twisted underbelly of nervous energy
frenetic and oscillating, ineffectual and clinging to efficacy
every word, every sentiment providing an impetus for the downturn
an economy of stimuli, unabashed in support of a new deity
no one is at fault because everyone involved is at fault
noble enough in deed, but with such a terrible consequence
freedom is short lived and the journey best left unaccompanied
so here i am: alone, cracked, defiant, heartbroken, rudderless

Barbell Deadlift:
135 lb x 10 reps (+77 pts)
135 lb x 10 reps (+77 pts)
225 lb x 5 reps (+121 pts)
225 lb x 5 reps (+121 pts)
295 lb x 3 reps (+155 pts)
295 lb x 3 reps (+155 pts)
295 lb x 3 reps (+155 pts)
295 lb x 3 reps (+155 pts)
295 lb x 3 reps (+155 pts)
315 lb x 1 reps (+121 pts)
Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown:
120 lb x 10 reps (+35 pts)
120 lb x 5 reps (+29 pts)
120 lb x 5 reps (+29 pts)
120 lb x 5 reps (+29 pts)
Bent Over Barbell Row:
135 lb x 5 reps (+37 pts)
135 lb x 5 reps (+37 pts)
135 lb x 5 reps (+37 pts)
Standing One-Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press:
45 lb x 5 reps (+81 pts)
45 lb x 5 reps (+81 pts)
45 lb x 5 reps (+81 pts)
45 lb x 5 reps (+81 pts)
45 lb x 5 reps (+81 pts)
javelin bb presses (5 ea side)



time to get back to it.

i'm going to be doing some offhand writing when the mood strikes me.

purposeful braindumps designed to fester and spew the thought processes with the intent of fomenting and reigniting the creative process.

at best, another few songs will come of it.

at worst, you'll have some more disjointed blogging to distract from reality.



today's horoscope, yes i'm a woman:
It is impossible for you to be content with superficial answers now, and you are impatient with people who avoid looking candidly and honestly at root causes and hidden reasons for any problem



from: bitchface
to: me

I don't have to consult with you about moving, particularly when it isn't out of the state. When a and I DO move somewhere farther away, you DO realize that our agreement states that we (you and I) will then split transportation duties and costs. I moved out here FOR MY JOB, not on some silly whim. I'm still out here FOR MY JOB. With regards to the maybe having to teach on Saturdays, again that would not have been a choice, but for me to have a JOB. It didn't work out that way, but I would imagine you wouldn't want me leaving m with someone during that time, right?

The reason you didn't hear from my mom (I didn't either, btw) is because she was here to take care of her sister and brother, not to see me or m. I am glad she was able to come out and see m practice...but I did tell you, a couple of times, that she was on someone else's time and schedule, and that she may or may not be able to see m. Plus, I'm sure you've noticed that you haven't really talked to her much in the last year or more--- she doesn't really like you, or like talking to you. You have failed to see your role in the dissolution of our marriage, and until you do, you and I will never see eye-to-eye. You aren't blameless, and my mother knows that. My dad knows that. You have been a dick about a lot of things, and you have decided to flex those "control muscles" about some really ridiculous things (ie, Christmas list, birthday parties- don't RSVP for parties that are during my time until I know about them!). You claim you are doing things in her interest and to protect her... and you say you aren't speaking ill of me, but that is BS. She doesn't have to hear you say anything-- it's in your attitude and your tone, and that of your family, as well. She says things to me like, "you broke your promise to God when you got divorced..." where the hell did she even get that? She is an incredibly smart child, but she gets her ideas SOMEWHERE. I am generally very careful not to say or do things in front of her that show any bias or anger towards you, but she is getting her attitude from somewhere other than our interactions.

By the way-- if you want so much time with her, try not sending her to spend the night with your mom when it's your weekend. I have told m that you need time to yourself, that you do so much for her and spend so much time with her that you need p time every so often... but I don't agree with you sending her to your mom's on your weekends. It seems, from what she tells me, that she is down there quite often, sometimes with you but often not. Church didn't seem to be a priority until the day I asked to take her with us, but yet you don't go every weekend. If you have something you really need to do or can't get out of, let me know as much in advance as you can and we can try to arrange a switch in schedule. She wants to be with you when it's your weekend.

I want her to play soccer and have something she enjoys. I don't want to keep her from it. But I didn't sign her up, and I should not be expected to mold our weekends to that schedule. That said, I will be there this weekend, and will figure something out to get her where she needs to be next time. Please forward me a copy of whatever information you have, and maybe ask the coach when a schedule will be up-- it's almost the middle of August already and no schedules have been posted.

The weekend before her birthday is my weekend. I will plan on doing something for her. I will talk to her about it in the next few weeks. Do not plan anything with your family for the weekend before.

from: me
to: bitchface

I feel so sorry for you sometimes, a. I really do. I will continue to pray for you.



i have a freaking pounding headache and i have to go to school orientation.

from: bitchface
to: me

When you *chose* to have full control of her schooling and extra curriculars, you *chose* the responsibility for transportation as well. You can't make all the decisions and just expect me to be okay with them. As far as the money you spent for her school, you have absolutely no right or justification for saying I have no responsibility. I give you money every month. The court has ruled that I give you $356 per month. The fact that you *choose* to put into an account for her future does not mean that I have no responsibility. That IS my responsibility, and while I wish I could provide more, I cannot. While I agree with that and am obviously fine with it, you don't get to throw the statement around that I DON'T have responsibility for her school.... you can choose to use some of the money in her account to pay for those things. I have no control or say-so in how that money gets spent, but you DO NOT get to act like the poor marytr about spending so much money. You want her in a private school, you want to let her do everything she wants to do... you pay for it. I appreciate the fact that she is in private school, and I want her to be able to do the things she wants, and I contribute everything I can to that cause.

You had those papers written for you, remember? It allllll benefits you. There is NOTHING in those papers about how you spend the money I give you for her. You don't get to complain about spending so much when you make the decisions about how it gets spent, especially when you *choose* to not use the money I give (but rather put it into an account). I agree with your decision about the account, and I think it will be a great thing for her in the future, but the fact of the matter is, if the money you have to spend is becoming a burden, you have that account to help cushion that burden, therefore you don't get to throw it in my face. The parenting agreement gives you complete power over all decision making regarding school, religion, extracirrucular activities, etc, and as I'm sure you know "To whom much has been given, much will be expected" Since you chose to "be given" control of all these things, you are expected to be solely responsible for them, and I'm not even asking for that. I'm asking to SHARE the responsibility. I am certain that a schedule was available before you signed m up for soccer. If you failed to inquire about the schedule, that is an oversight on your part. I cannot reasonably assume that the school would take a parent's money without being able to provide the time commitment needed. For the sake of argument, what if practice was Tuesday and Thursday night, and a parent was completely unable to commit to those times? Unreasonable assumption. You would never admit it, but in the back of my mind, I can't help but think you allowed this to intentionally try to limit my time with m even more than it already is. Maybe I'm wrong, and I hope I am, but anyone with an ounce of common sense could reasonably assume that there would be at least one practice every weekend.

I really don't understand how you claim you are not attempting to undermine my relationship with my daughter when you say that you will make sure she knows I'm the one keeping her from her soccer. I don't want to keep her from it, but I think it is unreasonable for you to suggest that I (having been "given" nothing concerning the decision making for any activities) should be "expected" to solely bear the responsibility for getting her to practice every other Saturday. This means I would make three trips to and from _hometown_ in thirty-six hours' time to take her to an hour long practice. Maybe I have been unclear. It is not about the miles on my car. It is not about the gas money. It is the fact that, as you would have it, my 96 hours a month is reduced, because lets face it, time in the car (especially for m) is less than "quality time". If she has 8 practices in a month, missing one is NOT a big deal at all. It seems as though you are looking for anything you can use to hurt our relationship even more, when all I am trying to do is help our relationship. After all, before this ordeal started, you were okay with her missing a game every now-and-then. If you are okay with her missing a game, but not okay with her missing a practice (on my weekend... I'm sure if she had something she wanted to do on YOUR weekend during soccer practice, be it a birthday party, other school activity, whatever, you would likely agree to her missing practice), maybe you are missing the overall point of the activity. She should not miss ANY games as far as I'm concerned. She should be there to play in the game, support her teammates, and build life skills regarding teamwork. Missing a game is FAR more detrimental to this goal than missing a practice. I want her to be involved in school and sports. I feel this is important for her development... but missing one time isn't going to make a difference, and you know it isn't. I just cannot understand why you are unwilling to compromise. I feel the compromise I originally offered was MORE than fair, but you absolutely refuse. Of course, you will not tell her about this part... you only want to tell her "your mother is keeping you from doing something you want to do, but your father is doing everything he can to allow you to do what you want to do." That is wrong. That is undermining.

The job I was offered this year, and took so that I could provide what I can for my daughter, make my insurance payments, and to put a roof over my head, is an hour in the opposite direction. Unfortunate, yes. But it was the only option I had. I would rather spend my time with m with HER, and not shuttling her back and forth for an hour's worth of practice. One missed practice a month is not the end of the world. Alternatively, you can pick her up in _BFE_ at 8:30 and bring her back when she's finished. You don't want to do that? Imagine how I feel! You are asking me to either cut my 96 hours a month to 48, or to drive 150 miles every other weekend to get her to practice and back, yet you cant give 50 miles once a month to match my nearly 24 hours of lost time with my daughter per month. I feel 50 miles is far less sacrifice than 24 hours, yet I am willing to do that. I'm willing to do that to insure my daughter gets to participate in an activity she is obviously very excited about. She will never hear that though. She will only hear "your mother doesn't want to take you to practice on her weekends".

You have "parental control", and more than anything, I think that's what all of this stems from -- your need for control. You do have control over extracurricular activities. I don't dispute that. But with that control comes responsibility, and you cannot have the control and shirk the responsibility. You cannot have your cake, and expect to eat it as well. And what does inviting my mother to practice have to do with anything? It doesn't, so I don't see why you even mention it (as if I didnt already know...) I am not trying to cut *her* time on soccer practice. I am trying to compromise. You cannot seem to do that, and that is unfortunate. If this is destined to be the tone for the next 11 years, I truly believe it will ultimately be detrimental for our daughter. You say "she is going to understand fully that this is your decision". That is an outright lie. That is not my decision. My decision is the compromise -- to allow her to participate in every practice, every game. It was YOUR decision to reject that compromise, and if things continue on this track, she is going to understand that fully.


from: me
to: bitchface

You didn't consult with me before moving out of _hometown_.

The responsibility I am talking about regarding registration has nothing to do with money, and everything to do with involvement (read: you completely missed the point and wasted 2-3 paragraphs on it). You have made it painfully clear you want nothing to do with her *except* when it is convenient for you, on *your* time. Instead of focusing on *your* time, why don't you focus on *her* time, which makes up the vast majority of her life and upbringing. And as far as m hearing "your mother this" or "your mother that", I never speak ill of you... she is more than capable of figuring all that out on her own.

I'm trying to imagine how a "consultation" would have gone. "m wants to play ______." "Will it involve Saturdays?" "(common sense) of course." "Well then, no." On so on and so forth throughout her life. I'm surprised you haven't moved further away by now anyway: have you not stated to me, your bf, family, friends, etc, that moving away is the ultimate goal?

You even told me flat out that you might be working on Saturdays this Fall, and we would might look at Saturday>Sunday visitation because of it. Why is it that when something inconveniences me, it's completely acceptable, but when something inconveniences you, it's a huge issue?

Almost every girl in her class in playing.. so much so that they may have to create a third team. And btw, it is extremely likely that Saturday practices will turn into games from Sept onward. Since you have stated it is so important she makes her games, you should have no issue getting her there.

I signed her up because she expressed interest many times in playing and I would rather have her in a structured sport than sedentary. This is an incredibly good thing for her, better than dance even, and I wasn't going to pass it up. I did not sign her up to have less time with you: that is a childish insinuation, but not altogether unsurprising. My only oversight here was being naive enough to think you'd put her above yourself for once. There was no schedule, no one even knew who was coaching until two days before the first practice. The athletic director just changed over the summer and the only word any parent received was a deadline for registration.

I mentioned your mother because I wanted you to know that I care about involvement from your side of the family. I want m to feel like she has support. I didn't hear from her all week, and was trying to reach out to her. I don't know why that's an issue for *you*.

Having me drive on your time is not any sort of compromise. You keep using this word.. I do not think it means what you think it means.

I have to get ready for orientation now.

This weekend is her first scrimmage. I hope you can make the sacrifice.



got kiddo registered for school this morning.

bitchface is driving me nuts.

from: me
to: bitchface

Here's a link to the shoes from Amazon. These are the same shoes I bought for her last year:


I believe she could use 3W this time around. They're $24.75. Since I'm an Amazon Prime member I get free two-day shipping, so unless you can find a better deal, I'll just get them before next Thursday.

I don't have a game schedule for her soccer, but her practice schedule will be _.

She wants to do Girl Scouts as well, so the current extra-curricular list is _. No Karate this year.. I think that's enough.
I'll be registering her at 10AM today.


from: bitchface
to: me

Thanks for the link. I will order these as soon as I can... I have Amazon Prime so it's not a problem. I'll just have them shipped there.

As far as soccer practice-- I'm not going to take her every time she's here, so let me know as far as this month, which one is preferable for her to be at. As soon as you hear about games, let me know. . . I keep checking the _ website but it isn't there yet (way to go, guys!)--
Also, I'm supposed to have her Labor Day weekend as far as rotation, but we had her for Memorial Day. I was thinking regular Fri-Sun and she can be with you on that Monday if yall have something you're doing.


from: me
to: bitchface

She needs to be there. You need to get her to practice when you have her: if you can't, I will keep her on Friday evenings and we can exchange her after practice.

Thank you for taking care of the shoes. I don't mind taking Labor Day.


from: bitchface
to: me

I am putting 400 miles a week on my car as it is, and I don't recall there being a discussion between you and I before you signed her up for soccer. When the things she wants to do are going to be scheduled during my time with her, I need to be consulted beforehand. I think it is unfair to expect me to come get her on Friday, bring to _hometown_ for an hour on Saturdays when it takes an hour to get down there, then to bring her back home on Sunday.
I will compromise with you on it: one of the Saturdays before her games start, I will just come get her on Saturday and watch her practices-- I can even come pick her up in the morning before the practice, and she can stay later on Sundays. The other, I will meet you in _bfe_ and you can bring her back to me in _bfe_ afterwards. I do not want to cut my time with her in half, but you didn't consider that it is part of my weekend.
You are always telling me that you aren't trying to undermine my relationship with her, but this does that because it's cutting my time with her. My time is from Friday afternoon to Sunday.

I think this is a fair way to do it since I was not consulted about times which would directly impact her time with me.


from: me
to: bitchface

I didn't *know* what times soccer practice would be, but this is something she really wants to do. I have parental control over extracurricular activities, and she has done soccer before. I invited your mom and she watched her practice last night... she was invited to tomorrow morning's practice as well.

Moving to BFE was your choice. I am not coming to _bfe_. If you think cutting out *her* time on soccer practice is going to foster a stronger relationship between you and her, you can do so... but she is going to understand fully that this is your decision, and you will have to deal with the consequences. This is a chance for you to assess what's more important to you: miles on your car or your daughter. I have given you what I consider to be a good option, if you absolutely cannot make the drive.

Your daughter lives in _hometown_, she goes to school in _hometown_, and her activities are going to be in _hometown_.

I just wrote over $1k in checks today to get her all registered, and you have zero responsibility in that regard: the *least* you can do is support what she wants to do during your time with her. The ball is in your court.



insomnia. 2:30 am. this hasn't happened in.. years?

watched nasa land on the moon and the us chick fuck up her vault and all kinds of other shit and i'm still up and on irc.