from: bitchface
to: me
I don't have to consult with you about moving, particularly when it isn't out of the state. When a and I DO move somewhere farther away, you DO realize that our agreement states that we (you and I) will then split transportation duties and costs. I moved out here FOR MY JOB, not on some silly whim. I'm still out here FOR MY JOB. With regards to the maybe having to teach on Saturdays, again that would not have been a choice, but for me to have a JOB. It didn't work out that way, but I would imagine you wouldn't want me leaving m with someone during that time, right?
The reason you didn't hear from my mom (I didn't either, btw) is because she was here to take care of her sister and brother, not to see me or m. I am glad she was able to come out and see m practice...but I did tell you, a couple of times, that she was on someone else's time and schedule, and that she may or may not be able to see m. Plus, I'm sure you've noticed that you haven't really talked to her much in the last year or more--- she doesn't really like you, or like talking to you. You have failed to see your role in the dissolution of our marriage, and until you do, you and I will never see eye-to-eye. You aren't blameless, and my mother knows that. My dad knows that. You have been a dick about a lot of things, and you have decided to flex those "control muscles" about some really ridiculous things (ie, Christmas list, birthday parties- don't RSVP for parties that are during my time until I know about them!). You claim you are doing things in her interest and to protect her... and you say you aren't speaking ill of me, but that is BS. She doesn't have to hear you say anything-- it's in your attitude and your tone, and that of your family, as well. She says things to me like, "you broke your promise to God when you got divorced..." where the hell did she even get that? She is an incredibly smart child, but she gets her ideas SOMEWHERE. I am generally very careful not to say or do things in front of her that show any bias or anger towards you, but she is getting her attitude from somewhere other than our interactions.
By the way-- if you want so much time with her, try not sending her to spend the night with your mom when it's your weekend. I have told m that you need time to yourself, that you do so much for her and spend so much time with her that you need p time every so often... but I don't agree with you sending her to your mom's on your weekends. It seems, from what she tells me, that she is down there quite often, sometimes with you but often not. Church didn't seem to be a priority until the day I asked to take her with us, but yet you don't go every weekend. If you have something you really need to do or can't get out of, let me know as much in advance as you can and we can try to arrange a switch in schedule. She wants to be with you when it's your weekend.
I want her to play soccer and have something she enjoys. I don't want to keep her from it. But I didn't sign her up, and I should not be expected to mold our weekends to that schedule. That said, I will be there this weekend, and will figure something out to get her where she needs to be next time. Please forward me a copy of whatever information you have, and maybe ask the coach when a schedule will be up-- it's almost the middle of August already and no schedules have been posted.
The weekend before her birthday is my weekend. I will plan on doing something for her. I will talk to her about it in the next few weeks. Do not plan anything with your family for the weekend before.
from: me
to: bitchface
I feel so sorry for you sometimes, a. I really do. I will continue to pray for you.