Category: Writing and Poetry

so it's been awhile since i checked in here. i have been working hard on getting in shape, and for those that care, my plan is very basic and consists of writing down everything i eat, biking, running, and portion control. i'm normally pretty private about this but i'm doing well enough to be proud of myself so far.

anyway, for writing down my meals i use this little osx app called voodoopad, which is a nice (free) little local wiki application, and since i'm already writing junk down for each day i've started writing other stuff in there (songs, poems, etc). i figure i'd share a few recent poems i'd written, nothing earth shattering of course, but i'm trying to get back into writing in general, and this is a bit of a small step in that direction. these three are a bit of "the good, the bad and the ugly" and it shouldn't be hard to tell which one is which. enjoy.

on motivation

an understanding from long ago
of what we'll be and who we'll know
a chance to rise against, instead
to pierce the needle with the thread
ascend my will, within myself
to spend my sum, leave nothing left
a canvas stretched past the world you see
to paint oneself with word and deed.

for knowledge beyond what most men reach
you need only listen to the autumn trees teach
of life and death, and of cutting your teeth
lessons shared daily through the petal of a leaf
stolid nobility, grace and ease
hardships weathered while tethered from seed
to truly overcome the roots you come from
life's seasons must never be the reason you succumb.

on preoccupation

caress a constant stream of inabilities
seethe on lackluster fonts of suffering
take heart in such dull effigies
seen on countless dilettantes

a morose countenance recaptured
emotional wall torn down
focused again on the terms of demise
once more defining death as life

a vain excavation of the mind
answers left waning for self-seeking questions
a struggle shared with a legion of corpses
understanding grasped to the depths

scurry the same worn out passages
a wastrel considering the hows and whys
inevitability of the unceremonious departure
a shallow whisper unto yourself: goodbye

on suspicion

confidence dissolves into mirrors behind doors
just out of sight, just out of reach
the shadows know what i cannot
perhaps it's for the best

credence unsolves the crimes uncommitted
intentions outweigh observations
blameless by association, derided by insinuation
an unkempt collage of guilt and blame

common sense evolves into hyperawareness
an ouroboros of secrets into secrets
is it just to keep me guessing
or just to keep you amused

mere suspense resolves to recompense
a restitution of your trust and mine
almost again we arrive unencumbered
until the next stab at dissonance

Currently listening :
Between Two Worlds
By I
Release date: By 14 November, 2006