it's so hard doing the right thing sometimes.
i fought to keep my daughter from being exposed to her mom living out of wedlock. and i won that fight, but at a cost. it cost me a lot of stress and pain.
this morning, as the ex was picking her up, she asked me if it'd be alright for m to go to their church with them while she has her. this is how she operates. she waits until she's about to speed off with my kid in toe to ask me something like that, knowing full well what kind of reaction she'll get.
i said something like "the fact that you're asking that while our daughter is right there is abysmal. we'll talk on the phone. i smiled at m and said have a good weekend and they drove off.
i steamed and debated calling my mom about it but i knew she'd just go through the roof and it'd stress her out too, which is never my intent. instead, i took some time to relax, and i called the ex back. i told her no, in no uncertain terms, she was not allowed to take her to that church, as it had nothing to do with m, she just wanted it to be convenient and parade my kid around like my ex is some sort of good mother in front of her boyfriend's family. also, in the divorce papers, the responsibility for religious upbringing is specifically denoted as mine, so she knows she's got no leg to stand on legally.
her response: "you are such an incredible piece of shit. all you want to do is make life difficult for me right now. go fuck yourself" and hung up.
and now i have a full weekend ahead of me to worry about my child's well being and safety.
and i don't even want to be here anymore. turns out maybe there's nothing wrong with me.. there's just a lot wrong with the world.