
Got about four hours of sleep.  It's now 5am.  Still surreal, surrounded by old faces in old places.  Was convinced by one of my only hs friends to even go.  

Honestly it was really good to reconnect with two other old friends.  I guess I should've counted on the fact that mainly the jocks would come to something like this: very few of the kids I had class with showed.

And then there was that one autistic ultra right wing lunatic guy who wouldn't leave me alone the entire night.  My friend told him off multiple times but it never sunk in.

There was a football game too, I guess.

Im really glad that my friend invited me to his place afterwards though.  We had a few beers and just chilled.

There was an entire Facebook thread of bigotry and stupidity leading up to this, as the jacks planned a house party that I'm gonna be nowhere near.  I turned it into a mini-game, blocking pretty much the lot of them.  Glad to be done with it.  Fuck that place.