I want to proclaim my innocence
Cry freedom from the hilltops
But no words will bring solace
No sentiment will bring her back
I don't mean her as in a
I mean her as in who i married
The girl I fell in love with
The girl I was ready to die with
That poor girl met her fate
Long ago now, many years ago
Perhaps at my hands
In absentia
I need to find my hatred for her
This other emotion
This abomination of love and lust
And regret and longing
Is doing me right the fuck in
But I'm still innocent
And I'm still in search of her
Whoever she is
The panacea
A girl who sings in her car
A girl who dreams from afar
That quiet girl
Who has yet to meet her fate
As her fate is me
Or maybe I'm dreaming again
And I should just wake up
To the reality of solitude
And the grinding halt of a clock
In my idealistic soul, dying
What a tragedy
Another jaded enemy combatant
Another satisfied customer
Force fed the fairy tales
Until I believed every word
Maybe there's only one
Happy ending
The one at the end of the world