The crows cough their greeting
As they have through the eons
Doves answer the call
Others chime in
And before you know it
Spring's melody caresses us all
That's how my life has gone
Her voice, clear and sure
Joined by a chorus of family
A sonorous harmony of love
New friends and old pitch in
And then, to the crowd's delight
A tiny soprano begins anew
A melody descending from heaven
Soon after though
A murder of crows die out
Inevitably, more dissonance
A guy from the audience, talentless
The listeners begin to file out
Shitty friend #1's cacophonous harmony
And finally, after ten years
I realized a was quiet
I sang on for awhile
But the song was long over
The audience had left as well
No applause, just an empty stage
She'd struck up a new tune
With some guy, elsewhere
m looks up at me wondering
But mommy will never sing with us again
I want to write a new number
But I keep writing duets
And no one will join in
They all sound so empty
Toss each work in the trash
And then I realize
m is up there singing
And her song is more beautiful
Then any I've ever heard before
And I'm grateful for the music
Because I can't live without it
So I'll sing it with her
And wait for another to join in