Evidentiary hearing to commence
Court will now come to chaos
Falsehood has the floor again
Lies have been sworn in as truth
Someone must take the stand
The witnesses are all a no show
Plaintiff or defendant, I forget
No mitigation in sight, too staunch
A victory is still a fucking loss
All too soon it's in a judges hands
Now all you have left is the loss
my "flu" is over. it has left me feeling like i have arthritis. my palms are painful and feel like i have an itch just under the surface i can't reach. if it doesn't pass i'm going to have to get tested for lyme. also fun: my hand is killing me after playing guitar. i couldn't get comfortable at all last night; i slept in three different places and somehow ended up on the couch. this is not good. sleeping is *never* a problem for me, but my body/skin feels uncomfortable all over since this struck, and it's been almost a week. god i hope it passes.
attempted to use the new weedeater i bought yesterday to finally make my front yard look presentable. two things happened. i used up the plastic cord thing in about two minutes. and i discovered i have a body rash. i never really noticed it or it appeared overnight, but it's definitely there. keying in my symptoms (fever, chills, followed a few days later by a body rash) appears to turn up rocky mountain spotted fever.