took a week off work. ostensibly to relax, record some music, workout, and also relax.
out of those five days, i ended up being at work two days for a health screening, wherein the state medical folks forgot their equipment.
i ended up without air conditioning for two days, and had "technicians" in my home for three days attempting to fix it. i'm still not convinced the leak is fixed, but it's merely dripping now, rather than the drip pan completely full of water, so that's a plus i guess. initially they had to replace a capacitor on the blower. at least i got two 'free' service calls out of the deal.
been swimming on and off with kiddo, so that was nice.
intended to do at least one prep run this week for the 5k i ran last night, but plantar fasciitis decided it wanted to leave some bruises on the bottom of my foot in front of the heel, indicating i would be a moron to run. it did heal, and i got to run my 5k, although it was delayed thirty minutes because of weather issues, and my (awesome) ride was forced to drive around and wait for me. hamstrings are shot today!
so now it's saturday. i woke up around 10, made myself some coffee, and teetered around alternating between trine 2 on the ps4 and tending to my dog, who is not feeling well today at all. i started lifting, took a break to take the dog around the park, and ended up carrying him back into the home.
it's now 4pm, and i've one set left on my somewhat unplanned workout, and have yet to eat a meal. and i haven't recorded a single thing this week.
bb squat: 135#x5, 225#x5x5
bb overhead press: 95#x10, 95#x5x4
(superset) situps: 25x3 / db side bends: 45#x15x3 / db kroc rows: 45#x15x3
(superset) chinups: 5x5 / bb curls: 45#x10x5