fixed a bunch of work stuff at 2am
played DQ8 at 11am
got kiddo back at 12pm
took kiddo to sisters house for baby shower at 1pm
went for a bike ride at 4pm
took flynn on a walk at 7pm

The neighborhood crazy lady tailed me on the other side of the street until I finally took my earbuds out and told her Flynn wasn't social
She spent 10 minutes harassing me while I ignored her...
She trapped Maddie and me in the park once for thirty minutes, we were covered in mosquito bites and Flynn had fleas from her two dogs by the time we got home
Which is why I didn't want him near them. She literally stopped in the middle of the street with her two dogs and stared at me until I addressed her
Ugh sorry that was just.. Unsettling
She's autistic I think, she's got that loud crazy laugh after everything she says