breakfast: none
lunch: gyro + pasta salad @ rp tracks (groan)
dinner: pasta + chicken + mushroom specialty (per ashly's request :)
dessert: honey nut cheerios

almost went to the doc this morning, till i found out that baptist minor med is not in my network... i have this shit on my leg that may or may not be a spider bite, but it looks to be getting better now so fuckit. i rode my butt off last night and felt great, kind of a fever for a little bit after lunch today but i think i'll be okay. if not, fuckit. ashly went to a play with her old southaven high school work buddy, april (http://www.iammyownwife.com). whhaaaaatever, heh. anyway, maddie flynn and me went on a walk down to mac's house, it was really hot outside but nice to get out there regardless. it's now a little after 9 and she's (reluctantly) asleep in her crib. enjoying my honey nut cheerios (godly) and awaiting my wife's return. sex tonight? doubtful as always :(