breakfast: none
lunch: leftover green beans, mashed new potatoes and a turkey sandwich with water to drink
dinner: meat spaghetti with ciabatta bread, water to drink

what a long day! since my bike was left at work from yesterday (20060814), we drove maddie to school together. got to work and finished updating the iAM source code for our Attribute/BasicAttribute changes. had a horrible meeting with the scates people where walter mentioned fupload and now of course i'm all fucked again because colette wants to meet about the project next week.

ate lunch at my desk because i was a bit pissy at walter.

afternoon consisted of even more code updates to the nexus project and such. rode home, had dinner with ash and the kidlet and then went on my first bike ride since Saturday's 35 miler (20060812) and it was great. temps finally back below 90, went out past evergreen in midtown and then back home. it's late now, bout to head to bed.