Her mind is a blank canvas now
Works we'd painted wiped clean
Starry night after starry night
Torched or given to charity
Either way, same result
Her dreams are now off-limits
Someone else's territory
Her happiness reset to zero
Someone else's responsibility
Each grey hair a reminder now
I'd rather recall the good times
One second of happiness with her
Was worth years of this sadness
A fair bargain for her favor
Yesteryear paints it's own picture
Filling in the tension with hope
I'm glad I shared this life
I know I treated her right
Rest easy, everything will be ok
But could it ever occur again
How often do stars realign
Is my solace in the cards
Still looking for buried treasure
Do you feel you've earned it
Don't succumb to melancholy
Is there a reward out there
Who will join this journey
Is she out there dreaming now
Dreaming like I dream
Of a new masterpiece
One we can paint together
I hope so. I hope so.