Rewriting history is fun and easy
She's out to convince the world
Who and what you are
As a husband, as a father
Your goal is not to mislead
It's not even really to forget
That's impossible, you know
Your goal is to have perspective
A luxury she will never have
No matter how much she lies
Her dishonesty defines her
As a wife, as a mother
To move past her you need only
And continue living
You have an amazing story
And amazing gifts
Women will see your face
You'll be surprised who responds
Because they're looking, too
They are drawn to you
And if one was drawn to you
Others will be too, you'll see
You thought your life was chosen
And indeed it was, but now
YOU can choose your mate
You can choose your fate
With clear insight
And crystal clear perspective
So choose, p.
Take your time and choose.