possibly the busiest work day ever. so tired of meetings.. and while i was in those meetings, a cocksucker emailed my boss to tell her he'd called/emailed me "multiple times" and received no response. she responded to defend me, but he's shitlisted.
i finally got fed up at another coworker's impotence and shot off my mouth at him. he probably hates my guts but fuck him, you don't get to have an easy project for almost two years you can't complete. it wasn't that bad when it didn't directly affect me, but guess what, it does now so he got both barrels, and my boss teamed up on him. the encounters drained me to the point of exhaustion. i had to hurry over to catch my kid's talent show after lunch and then back to work for more meetings.
she did a great job at her school talent show. no mommy to be seen of course. she didn't even ask how it went.. i texted her about it and got a "did you make a video? can you send it to me?" response. no, you don't get to parent by proxy, sorry, FU very much.
lunch: grilled chicken salad with bleu cheese
dinner: probably a sweet potato and/or hot dog and some carrots
i might lift but i have no energy and my legs are sore from running so it'd be upper body.
almost time to post my music site for friends only. i'll no longer be able to hide in my shell.