so we start another month. i seem to have my shit together on the surface. taxes filed early, bills paid well in advance, child loved and provided for. i'm still learning to cook effectively for her. i bought a cookbook:

Amazon.com: Well Fed: Paleo Recipes for People Who Love to Eat

which we're going to go through and mark some recipes.

I still have a huge body image problem. We've had a mild winter here, and it's warmed up.. this is the bane of the distorted soul. I wore no jacket this morning and had to keep repeating "wear it like a crown" in my head. At least I'm pretty sure it was in my head. I may have been talking to myself. I hope not.

I'm settling into Malloy by Beckett. His prose is much different from the safer authors I usually read, but it's starting to stick.

I'm sleep-eating again. I have just realized that this phenomenon only occurs after i've dealt with the ex. My friend suggested a baby gate. Personally I think my fridge needs a missile defense system.

The songwriting is still plodding along unawares. I need to get my guitar fixed up, but then, I need to do a lot of things. Today the plan is to call the tree guy to see about removing the impending doom that sways perilously mere feet from my bedroom window. Can you tell I'm waxing poetic this morning?

Latest literary acquisitions:
Three Novels: Malloy, Malone Dies, The Unnameable
Gladiator (Bison Frontiers of Imagination)
Getting it in the Head: Stories