And just like that
I am over her completely
It was like a switch was pulled
A great cosmic wheel turned
Left me a changed man
I am devoted to my body now
And more worthwhile pursuits
Pining after her was a disservice
I watched The Expendables
At feath's recommendation
And maybe it was a chick flick
Whatever it was, it worked
I may be miserable tomorrow
But right now I am over her
Standing in the light drizzle
Waiting for my dog to go
6:30 on this shitty morning
Just another Ash Wednesday
But my mood remains unbroken
Maybe I gave her up for Lent
Finished a song last night
Perhaps the last song about her
I've written more than enough
She got her precious attention
And now, just like the song
It's time for moving on
Maybe it's finally time for a tat