Windy cold and wet morning
Oh and it's a Monday
In spite of all this I will try
Unmapped territory!
This whole "positive" thing
Checked my horoscope today
Because I'm a woman, you see
Indecisive about travel it said
The first laugh of the morning
It's too pretty for a Monday
Cold and crisp with few clouds
The sun had been at my back
Crawling up from his horizon
Now I turn to return, and see it
Gilded in bright, welcoming gold
These cold mornings are the best
Not that I'm a morning person
Let's not give that impression
When there's no heat to sap you
No give and take, only giving
And the cold feels.. comfortable
I remember how much I missed it
That simple feeling of comfort
Even the random songs are happy
Strange how that happens
Or maybe they were happy
All along