Today frames my mood well
It's amazing outside
I'm surrounded by beauty
Young women each on their way
Singularity of form and purpose
Belies a determination of youth
They all politely ignore me
I've never felt this trapped
Powerless with my shirt off
I drink nothing but water
Indulge in practically nothing
Exercise like a madman possessed
And still I cannot make a dent
What is the secret anyway
Perhaps it's merely akin to love
These tumors strapped to me
Encased in so many anchors
Perhaps like love, it just.. is
And there's no right answer
You will still be you afterwards
No matter the amount lost
Burn every calorie you want
No matter the sacrificial cost
The mirror refuses to lie for you
Run until you injure yourself
Lift until your body gives out
It makes little difference
When you look down, you'll know
Days only roll forward you know
Ready to settle yet?