Far too pretty this morning
The earth mocks my mood
A rich birdland symphony
Conducted amongst the trees
Nature unaware of our tragedy
The chaos unfolding right now
People cannot fathom it
Surely this can't happen here
But it can, and it will
Soon we'll crawl on our bellies
Jagged lines of defiance
Soon we'll vote with hot lead
Misunderstood freedom
Fear runs rampant across her
A once great country belittled
Brought to her knees, sadly
Two hundred years to rise
A few short weeks to fall
Our money turned meaningless
Worthless spanning the world
Superpower evicted
And will due course and fairness
We deserve every bit of it
But that doesn't set me at ease
I was foolish enough to breed
So now I worry for both of us
Our yellow star blankets me
Warmth from the heavens
But as usual, it's not enough