Another bad dream for moi
Was talking things over with c
And it was surreal for sure
Why did he sound British
I am so worried about this guy
If he is a violent person
As she all but admitted to me
My daughter will see it soon
What if he hits a in front of her
What if he abuses his kids
Ugh I need to stop right now
My friend says don't sign it
Because she's moving in with him
Out of wedlock, of course
Which will confuse my kid
I need to be stronger than ever
Can I be stronger than her
Maybe I always was anyway
That's what's bothering her
I am a damn good single parent
And I'll be a good husband again
If I find the right one I guess
So disappointing to have failed
M deserves so much more
I will need to be better
Can I do this without god
I don't know what I believe in
I want there to be a god
But it's not really about me is it.