My life the dime store dictionary
Filled with too many meanings
Bang my head against each one
It all adds up, never subtracts
The nerves are safely chained up
Hopefully they can't hurt anyone
Wander off on more side-quests
Tripped on the landing strip
Pushed myself back, as always
Time to act your age, right
Acting's what we do best
Had yet another realization
All the actions you've taken
Have been for others benefit
Wanting others to see
Certain parts of your soul
Instead of deciding for yourself
What you want in another
You put bullshit feelers out
The music, the exercise, *.*
Unintentional attention whoring
This passive advance never works
It's a reverse power play
Means my mind is still gaming
This is an unwinnable campaign
Reinforces the truth in apart
And the lies in relationships