Every day a rebalancing act
Food is such a horrible crutch
Each day a fucking tug of war
The dimmer goes off, sweet
--- zZz ---
Wakes up wherever she slept
Grabs her things off some drawer
Makes another hasty escape
Clouded eyes search for her car
The chameleon changes shape
Face like she lost a bet
Ready for the next engagement
Smells like the latest pet
this weekend is supposedly about someone coming back from the dead. i'm just done giving a shit about it. i've given a third of my life over to this skewed ideology out of fear and guilt and some ridiculous pavlovian whim to be rewarded by falling in line. i had a goddamn hamburger for lunch. others may be more resilient than me in these situations, but i am not most people. it's friday afternoon and i'm going running. my kid is in the hands of a shitty woman but i need a night to myself. she tells me "have fun on your date" like we're two old friends. the actual act of divorce will make no difference to me. i am 99% content with living apart.. at least right now. i'll play my xbox and my guitar and take a little time for myself. and maybe somewhere down the lost highway, i can come back from the dead too.