m spent the night at my bro's with her cousin, a 10yr old boy. they get along and then fight like cats and dogs but it's really good for both of them to hang out, being only children and all.
and so i get to run this morning, finally.
i feel like i disappointed a friend yesterday. and i know i maybe shouldn't feel that way, but i do. i had two beers for the first time in a while last night (my brother handed me glasses with the beer already poured while i was working on his computer problems), and it threw me for a loop so i crashed early. anyway it's time to run them off before it's sweltering.
Amazing dream. I was at a huge party and m was out playing with her friends. This girl comes up to me and grabs me from behind, and I ask "who dat is" and she laughs and asks why I talk like that. I'm embarrassed because I'd thought it was one of my friends grabbing me, but she was cool. I sat down with her and two of her friends on this couch thing with wheels that was moving. She gave me her number and I fumbled with my phone while she laughed.
We got off the couch and I saw two girls I'd known in elementary school who didn't recognize me. We only talked for a sec but when I turned around the girl had vanished.
I panicked and found my friends, but they were leaving. On the way out some other girl comes up and gives me (and my friends) these bags from the girl who liked me, with a couple of geek books each as gifts, and there was a note for me. I remember I have her number and smile, and tell my friends I'm going back for m and thats where I woke up. I wish I could have read the note before I woke up.