Time for a pre-flight check
Lament the safety of the nest
A final glance at familiarity
Molt again to preserve change
Escape these bonds before you
Spread both wings and capture it
The sky is yours for the asking
Migrate south to change course
A slow flight towards the horizon
Pines, oaks undulate underneath
A well rehearsed dance for all
Only the fallen can't join in
Spy the sheen of solar diamonds
A thousand thousand streams
Deflecting those cosmic rays
With love and deference
Life springs forth in harmony
Such activity at the surface
But I'm well above all that now
Beating my wings as mom taught
No destination but why worry
Keep it undefined, the best plan
Find out when you get there
Until then, just enjoy the flight
Just be content with the journey
It has its own reward, you'll see
Every day is simply a checkpoint
You are safe, high in the sky
A voice echoes forth from above:
"what I used to be
will pass away
and then you'll see
that all I want now
is happiness for you and me"
That's good enough for now