my back gave out yesterday, literally feet from my house. i was finishing up a good run.. it was too hot and i was tired. i had forgotten my bandages (which are essential) and my cotton shirt (i wear two layers, because i'm self conscious) was stained with blood as i made my way home. anyway, like i said, it was damn hot (seven hells! was the expression which kept coming to mind) and i had bad form coming down the hill. spasm had the effect of lightning arcing across a sky, behind me. so.... sunday was a bit of a chill day. i did play some baseball with m after i picked her back up, but it was mainly an xbox day, and today will be as well. damn body. why can't you can't cooperate with my plans.
i went into work anyway. my coworker, perhaps finally annoyed by my groans and moans, asked if i wanted an ibuprofen, and i reluctantly took one. now i'm loopy. from one. heh.
my ex is still texting me with her planning orgies, and although i had been dutifully ignoring her, i was annoyed and inspired enough this morning to send her the following:

i doubt she had any idea what it was of course. i'm hoping she points the phone at her boyfriend and gets her answer. it amused me, and that was really the point of the exercise.
i had a jalapeno burger today with sweet potato fries at lunch. because i want to sabotage myself, i think. the self flagellation will air on schedule this evening.