woke up, walked/fed the dog, came back and went back to bed.

it's almost 9 now and i'm debating whether i should run or not. i am starting to discount running as my go-to activity because i see people who i would describe as "runners" and i don't want that physique in the least. and yet i need to lose weight so i've been contemplating cutting the distance down to a strict 2 miles doing sprints or whatever, and then lifting, as I see others do on fitocracy.

i have reached a plateau with the weight loss and with it, a decision point. hope i make the right one this time.

ran about 5 miles although i'm not sure because my dumbass stopped the garmin timer instead of starting it.

lunch: mahi mahi, asparagus, rice
dinner: chicken and sour cream

i think i'm having a complication from the wisdom tooth extraction.. i think a piece of bone is working its way out of the side of my gum. this is not pleasant in the least.

and then the headache hit.