seemed like i was up every two hours, but only long enough to shuffle into the kitchen and back to bed. it was weird. i feel pretty rested though thankfully.. still no morning run. perhaps i just don't have it in me this week.

meetings all freaking day again.

lunch: half chicken, zucchini, asparagus

and again they want me to run the entire state. argh.

dinner: sirloin and sweet potato

lots of energy tonight.. put it to good use!

Barbell Bench Press:
135 lb x 10 reps (+77 pts)
185 lb x 5 reps (+92 pts)
205 lb x 3 reps (+85 pts)
205 lb x 3 reps (+85 pts)
205 lb x 3 reps (+85 pts)
205 lb x 3 reps (+85 pts)
205 lb x 3 reps (+85 pts)
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press:
95 lb x 5 reps (+69 pts)
95 lb x 5 reps (+69 pts)
95 lb x 5 reps (+69 pts)
95 lb x 5 reps (+69 pts)
95 lb x 5 reps (+69 pts)
115 lb x 5 reps (+79 pts)
115 lb x 5 reps (+79 pts)
115 lb x 3 reps (+63 pts)
125 lb x 1 reps (+46 pts)
60 sec (+21 pts)
60 sec (+21 pts)
60 sec (+21 pts)
Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment:
50 lb x 10 reps (+10 pts)
50 lb x 10 reps (+10 pts)
50 lb x 10 reps (+10 pts)