4:30 in the morning. the dog woke me up, and i can't go back to sleep. but he sure as fuck can.. i know because there he is asleep on the couch. i want to go give him a bath or something just to keep his ass awake too. little bastard.

6:30 in the morning. woke up again with a completely dry mouth and vague memories of a crazy dream involving an old friend getting married and all i wanted to do was run down barefoot to the ocean. i didn't have any dress clothes and a million little things happened along the way until i awoke feeling drugged. i feel confident anyone seeing me walk the dog would have called the police. still feeling very very woozy so i'm going back to bed.

11:30 in the morning. ended up talking the dog on a long walk because my back went out while playing video games on the couch. the intent was to run this morning and lift this afternoon. not sure if i'll do either now. the house is a wreck, the yard is a wreck, my life is a wreck. ssdd.

latest quote from my ruined mind: "live and die by the code of i"

5:30 in the evening. have a new chord progression i'm kicking around. just need a subject.

10:55 subject acquired, writing commencing.

protein shake
random shit
bison stew