three miles this morning, feeling good. sooo.... this is probably too cheesy for facebook, let's do it here.
what am i thankful for this year?
i'm thankful for my daughter. we are still a family, even if it's just the two of us (and the dog).
i'm thankful i have a cush job with flexible hours, allowing me to be an effective single parent.
i'm thankful for my health, and the ability to do the things i've done.
i'm thankful i have kind and loving parents, who are totally supportive through anything.
i'm thankful i have a roof over my head and food to eat and "stuff". although i'm not so big on "stuff" lately. seems like i've just started a cardboard box collection, thanks to amazon.
it's not been a good year for my family. divorces, evictions, deaths, etc. but i'm thankful that 2011 is almost over. because you can always start fresh. always.