i'm sleeping a lot, never a good sign. up at 8:30. had a banana and some pb. my back is unhappy with me. more crazyass dreams. song sounds interesting.
so kiddo didn't sleep well and threw up all night i'm told by my ex, who delivered her on time for my oldest brother's 25th anniversary of his ordination. she was a trooper during the service, although she laid down in the pew until the end. got a hug from one of the ex's cousins going out. yet another odd social circumstance. we get home and my kid pukes again. she is now in bed relaxing.
banana for breakfast
leftover spicy bison stew
i've decided i'm not going to eat anything else today. i need to curb my eating since i'm not running. tomorrow morning the goal is to get her to school and then hit the roads hard, and lift at night. assuming my body cooperates.